To provide beautiful, organic, locally grown flowers and floral arrangements to the wider community while providing social and job training opportunities to young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We are a division of the non-profit organization, The Camphill School.

The students of Camphill learn all steps in the farming process with us. They develop valuable life skills by being involved with the planting and care of the flowers. They also interact with the community through our sales venues. This type of pre-vocational training helps the students gain practical experience for the future.

But, more than that, they learn about the world around them. They learn that flowers don’t just come from a store. Someone lovingly plants them, cares for them, picks them, processes them, arranges them and brings them out to a location for sale. All of those jobs are important. All of the people that do those jobs are important. The students learn that they can do these things themselves, so they are important.

Having a purpose is vital to having a happy life. Our farm helps give the students a purpose, and that gives us a purpose.
